Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia

Natural History Museum of Venice Giancarlo Ligabue

MADAGASIKARA. A photographic journey by Franco Andreone


A photographic journey by Franco Andreone

From June 13th to August  2nd, 2015
Venice, Natural History Museum

Hot-spot of global biodiversity, Madagascar proposes itself as a classic paradigm of conservation.

On its varied territory there is in fact a great number of animal and plant species that are not present elsewhere and still the subject of taxonomic descriptions and there are unique ecosystems.

At the same time the 18 “karazanas” (ethnic groups) that live there since about 2000 years show wide degrees of mixture, witnessing articulated processes of colonization between Africa and Asia. A paradise, therefore, to study the processes of evolution and bio-geography.

Unfortunately, Madagascar’s fragile habitats are nowadays disappearing at a rapid rhythms, and new species are destined to extinction as soon as they are discovered. Country’s natural resources are too often exagerately exploited, with the result that human populations are being depleted more and more. The causes of such a paradox are manyfolds and difficult to fully understand.

This photographic exhibition offers for the first time a selection of pictures taken over more than 20 years of zoological research, with the keen eye to everyday life and the great challenges that highlight the indelible interweaving between man and nature in an extreme country.

Franco Andreone is zoologist at the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Turin. In Madagascar he conductsand coordinates research and conservation projects. The exhibition can be visited within the usual schedules and with ticket of the Natural History Museum.

Discover the exhibition sections:

Daily life >>
Fauna in Madagascar >>
Landscapes >>

Admission is allowed with times and tickets of the museum >>>