The Natural History Museum of Venice is primarily a scientific research organization, recognized by the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca.
Thanks to its important scientific collections gathered in the course of its history, to a big scientific library, to the expertise of the staff, the Museum carries out systematic research in the field of biology and ecology of the Lagoon of Venice.
In addition to the core activities of the Museum, many projects are carried out in collaboration with important scientific institutions.
To research activities participate the scientific staff of the Museum, partners with different specializations, graduating students of various faculties of the University of Venice and Padua, scholars belonging to associations that have their seat in the Natural History Museum of Venice.
The research results are reported in scientific publications published by the Museum:
– the annual Bulletin,
– Quaderni.
In support of research and promotion activities, in the Museum there is a laboratory for biological preparations.
The Natural History Museum of Venice also offers a consultancy service for citizens to identify parasites, dangerous animals or other organisms, and the possibility for students to do internships and reseraches for their thesis in the Museum.