Acts of the 5th Conference Faunisti Veneti (in Italian)
Legnaro (Italy), 12-13 May 2007, curated by M. Bon, L. Bonato, F. Scarton
(Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin, vol. 58 2008, pubbl. VII.2008)
Acts of the 3rd Conference Faunisti Veneti (in Italian)
Rovigo (Italy), 14-15 October 2000, curated by M. Bon e F. Scarton
(Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin, vol. 51 2000, pubbl. X.2001)
Acts of the 13th Conference Ecology Group “G. Gadio”
“Aspetti ecologici e naturalistici dei sistemi lagunari e costieri”
Venice (Italy) 25-27 May 1996, curated by Mauro Bon, Giovanni Sburlino, Vincenzo Zuccarello
(Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin, vol. 49 1998, pubbl. X.1999)
Acts of the 2nd Conference Faunisti Veneti (in Italian)
Padova (Italy), 25-26 October 1997, curated by M. Bon e F. Mezzavilla
(Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin 48 1997, pubbl. I.1999)
Acts of the Conference on the Ecology of the Delta Padano
Rovigo – Mesola (Italy), 7-9 May 1976
(Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin 29 1978, pubbl. 31.III.1978)
Venice and the problem of high water
(Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin 27 1975, pubbl. 14.XII.1976)
Acts of the 3rd Conference on the Natural History of the Prealpi Venete – Bosco del Cansiglio, 3-5 September 1971 (Supplement to the Natural History Museum Bulletin 24 1973, pubbl. 30.X.1973)